Research Fellow
School of Agriculture
Technological Educational Institute of Crete
Brief CV
BSc in Biology from the University of Crete. MSc and PhD in Plant Biology from the University of Crete. Six years of postdoctoral research.
Teaching Experience:
Associate Professor in the Department of Agriculture, TEI of Crete since 1998. Teaches laboratory courses in Plant Cell Science & Morphology and Plant Physiology.
Research and other Scientific Work:
Many years' research in Plant Photosynthesis and Photobiology at the University of Crete. Specialisation in microalgal biology. Collaboration in and realisation of research projects at Greek and foreign Research Centres and Universities (NCSR Demokritos, GSF-Research Center For Environment and Health, München, Germany, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany, Martin-Luther University of Halle, Germany). Postdoctoral research in the genetic transformation of microalgae and bacteria at the TEI of Crete. Total of 18 published papers in peer-reviewed international scientific journals and conference proceedings.
Research Interests:
Photosynthesis, Photobiology, Biochemistry and Metabolic Engineering in bacteria and plant organisms.