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ATHENA Alumni Talks: Dr Donaldi Manchelli, Plasma Physicist

Hellenic Mediterranean University and the Department of Electronic Engineering, are happy that their graduate Dr. Donaldi Manchelli will participate in the alumni talks as part of the ATHENA Alumni Talks.

The speech will take place on Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at 16:30 Greece time via the Zoom platform.

Dr. Donaldi will talk about how his studies in the Department of Electronic Engineering helped him to continue at master’s and doctoral level in one of the most famous laser centers, that of the University of Bordeaux – Center Lasers Intenses et Applications laboratory in Bordeaux, France in the field of plasma physics. He will also talk to us about what was the effect of the internationalization of his studies, during his undergraduate studies, on the academic course he followed. To participate in the discussion you must register at the following link:

We are waiting for you on Tuesday, November 14, 2023.
On behalf of the Liaison Office and ATHENA European Hellenic Mediterranean University

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