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Liaison and Career Support Office

The Liaison & Career Support Office of the Hellenic Mediterranean University was established with EU funding in 1997. Its main goal is to support University students and graduates in planning their educational and professional careers, as well as linking the University Community to the labor market.

Its purpose is to:
•   inform and advise students and graduates on matters of educational and professional development;
•   promote collaborations with businesses, organizations, and public or private sector institutes to establish a direct and more effective connection of students and graduates to the labor market.

More specifically, it provides the following services:

Information regarding:
•   Postgraduate Programs (PP) in Greece and abroad;
•   Sources of Financial Support, Scholarships, Awards;
•   Open job positions in Greece and abroad;
•   Lifelong Learning Programs;
•   Seminars, Conferences, Summer Schools;
•   Voluntary employment programs, mobility programs etc.

Advice and support regarding:
•   Career planning;
•   Skills development;
•   Professional prospects;
•   Job search;
•   Writing a Curriculum Vitae;
•   Techniques for joining the labor market;
•   Decision-making techniques;
•   Discovery and critical reading of information.

Connection to the Labor Market:

The Liaison & Career Support Office is an essential bridge between the University and working life, developing partnerships with businesses, organizations, and public or private sector institutes. Its purpose is to both seek job positions and gather information on market trends in Greece and abroad.
At the same time, it is a key source of information for production organizations regarding the academic and scientific level of graduates of the Mediterranean University.
To achieve all of the above, either independently or in collaboration with other structures and specialized staff, the Office:
produces printed and electronic information material;
organizes workshops, conferences, and seminars and conducts self-improvement and professional counseling workshops (self-awareness, decision making, development of personal skills);
arranges career days for students and graduates, as well as educational visits as part of the HMU’s networking with higher education candidates;
participates in exhibitions, workshops, conferences, conventions, seminars of other educational organizations, professional bodies, and employment structures.


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Contact Nr.: 2810379335, 2810379336

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