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EVE IMPACT: “Beyond the Classroom: Pioneering the MOOC Frontier

For Teachers interested in how to use MOOCs in their teaching: On the 18th of January at 15:00 CET (16:00 Athens time), we host the EVE IMPACT Dr. Yossi Elrat, who is going to discuss with us: Beyond the Classroom: Pioneering the MOOC Frontier.
This lecture offers a comprehensive exploration of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Drawing from my extensive experience in science and math education with platforms like Moodle and FutureLearn, the lecture navigates through the evolution, design, and technological advancements in MOOCs. Participants will gain insights into effective MOOC structures, pedagogical strategies, and emerging trends in online learning.
The session emphasizes practical applications in science and math education, showcasing successful case studies and discussing MOOCs’ challenges and future prospects. The lecture includes an engaging, hands-on activity titled ‘Design a Mini-MOOC.’ In this 30-minute breakout session, participants will collaborate to create a concept for a mini-MOOC, applying the principles discussed in the lecture. This activity fosters creativity and collaborative learning, allowing participants to conceptualize and design an innovative online course. This lecture and activity promise to be an enlightening experience, providing valuable insights and actionable strategies for those involved in shaping the future of online education.
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