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Αρχική 5 Research 5 Research laboratories 5 Laboratory of Utilization of Natural Resources and Agricultural Engineering

Laboratory of Utilization of Natural Resources and Agricultural Engineering

The Laboratory’s aim is to contribute to the development of Greek agriculture and economy, through the utilization of methods and tools for the sustainable use of natural resources with particular emphasis on a) the soil (fertility, dealing with the desertification of agricultural lands), b) the study of soil properties, c) the management of water resources and irrigation techniques, d) agricultural constructions (e.g. greenhouses), e) agricultural – mechanical equipment (agricultural machinery, automation), f) the applications of renewable sources energy in agriculture and h) the protection – utilization of the agricultural environment in general, including the utilization of residues (liquids and solids).
Additionally, the Laboratory’s objectives include soil resource management, diagnosis, assessment and remediation of problem soils, soil classification and mapping, soil databases, irrigation water quality assessment and management and geoinformatics and agriculture precision issues.

Laboratory Director
Eleni Kokkinou, Professor
Laboratory Staff
Faculty members: Ioannis Daliakopoulos, Manios Thrasyvoulos, Vasilios Tzanakakis

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