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Professional Guide to Adoption

Members of the Laboratory of Applied Social Research and Social Work of the Department of Social Work of the Hellenic Mediterranean University (ELMEPA), participated in the creation of the “Professional Guide for Adoption”. The guide was prepared within the framework of the “Child Guarantee: transforming institutional care and enhancing alternative and community-based care for children in Greece” program by SOS Children’s Villages of Greece with the support of UNICEF and funding from the European Commission.

The final writing and editing of the guide was done by Dr. Cleo Koutra, Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Applied Social Research and Social Work, Department of Social Work ELMEPA and the Doctoral Candidate of the Department Ms. Lina Pelekidou in collaboration with Mrs. Mariella Michailidou, expert in Child Protection issues and Mrs. Eleni Chronopoulou and Evdokia Kouvara, Advisors of Child Protection at the UNICEF Office in Greece as well as the participation of distinguished colleagues in the field of child protection.

The “Professional Guide to Fostering” aims to guide the steps of professionals involved in the process of protecting a child through foster care in the best interests of the child and covers three stages. The ultimate goal is the institutional adoption of this guide by the relevant Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (YPEKY), in accordance with the relevant commitment expressed in the context of the National Council for Fostering and Adoption (ENSANY).

See here the full text (in greek) of the Guide:

The Hellenic Mediterranean University took all the steps to register the guide on the United Nations platform so that it can receive funding.

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