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Three emblematic actions of Greek General Secretariat of Research and Innovation are implemented at Hellenic Mediterranean University

The three flagship projects in which the Hellenic Mediterranean University participates in the Action “Flagship actions in interdisciplinary scientific areas with special interest for the connection with the productive tissue” of the General Secretariat of Research and Innovation have started.

The Hellenic Mediterranean University participates in three projects in the Action “Flagship actions in interdisciplinary scientific areas with special interest for the connection with the productive tissue” of the General Secretariat of Research and Innovation of the Ministry of Development, in collaboration with high-profile research groups from Universities and Research Institutes of the country. The main objective of the Action, as stated on the website of the Greek Ministry of Education and Culture, is to strengthen collaborative research projects of an interdisciplinary nature, of high scientific and technological quality, with the aim of integrating research and innovation into the productive fabric of the country and stopping the “brain drain”.

The three projects in which the Hellenic Mediterranean University participates are:

1. “Development of efficient third-generation PV materials and devices to enhance the competitiveness of the green energy production sector” with Acronym: 3GPV-4INDUSTRY (TAEDR Code 0537347). Website:
The 3GPV-4INDUSTRY project aspires to boost entrepreneurship in the third generation Photovoltaic sector, developing new innovative technologies that will bring new products to market and at the same time meet the needs of industry and society for new energy ideas.

Cooperating agencies
EKFE Demokritos (coordinator)
National institution of Research
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Hellenic Mediterranean University
Univeristy of Pelopponisos
University of Patras
University of Ioannina

The total budget of the project amounts to 2,457,000 Euros, while its implementation time is 28 months. The Nanomaterials for Emerging Technologies group ( of the Materials and Photonics Technology Center participates from HMU, with Professor Kymakis Emmanouil as scientific leader. The work unit “Third generation PV endurance tests in indoor and outdoor conditions” is coordinated by ELMEPA.

2. “Clinical Decision Support System for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Disease Based on Artificial Intelligence Models” abbreviated Safe-Aorta (TAEDR Code 0535983)
The Safe Aorta project focuses on solving the problem associated with Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAR), using big data sets and artificial intelligence. AKA is defined as permanent localized dilatation exceeding 50% of the normal diameter (>3 cm). The main complication of AKAs is rupture, which is associated with high mortality rates of 50-75%, being the 13th most common cause of death and the 3rd most common cause of sudden death in the Western world, after acute myocardial infarction and stroke. The motivation for the proposed project is the gap that exists in the assessment of the risk of rapid expansion and rupture of an AKA.

Cooperating agencies
National Technical University (coordinator)
University of Western Macedonia
Technical University of Crete
Hellenic Mediterranean University
University of Western Attica
Medical Biological Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens (IIVEAA)
Univeristy of Pelopponisos
University of Ioannina

The Vascular Surgery Clinic, University General Hospital “Attikon”, the Vascular Surgery Clinic, University General Hospital of Patras, the Vascular Surgery Clinic, University General Hospital of Larissa also participate as cooperating agencies.

The total project budget is 2,457,948.50 Euros and the implementation time is 28 months. On behalf of HMU, Professors Kostas Marias and Manolis Tsiknakis (Department of Mechanical Engineering) and Assistant Professor Kon/no Tzirakis (Department of Mechanical Engineering) are participating, who have taken on an important role in Research and Development in the context of the project.

3. Innovative solutions for the sustainable and environmentally friendly plant protection of fruit and vegetable crops in Greece, in the Europe of the future” (Code TAEDR-0535675)

The primary agricultural production of fruit and vegetables (fruits and vegetables) is of great strategic importance for the agricultural economy and society in Greece and is the flagship of our country’s exports. However, it is seriously threatened by crop enemies. The solutions are extremely limited, due to the peculiarities of Greece and the dramatic reduction of pesticides in the EU. Consumers and the food chain demand fruit and vegetables without residues, produced in sustainable ways. Modern plant protection should be based on alternative solutions, which will be based on original data for Greek orchards and will be developed in the light of developments in biotechnology, (bio)informatics and engineering/precision agriculture, in order to ensure an effective response of enemies and diseases, with innovative green approaches.

Cooperating agencies
Agricultural University of Athens (Coordinator)
Hellenic Mediterranean University
Hellenic Agricultural Organization – DIMITRA
Benakeio Phytopathological Institute
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Democritus University of Thrace
Technology and Research Foundation

The total project budget is 4,915,000 Euros and the implementation time is 28 months. On behalf of HMU, Mr. Associate Professor Roditakis Emmanuel (HMU Coordinator), Professor Ververidis Phillipos, Assistant Professor Trantas Emmanuel and Emeritus Professor Goumas Dimitrios (Department of Agriculture), who have taken on an important role in Research and Development within the project.

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