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Hellenic Mediterranean University participates in PIPE program

The Program of Inclusion for Migrant People at risk of social exclusion (PIPE), is a multifaceted initiative aimed at promoting the inclusion and empowerment of migrants, refugees and applicants asylum in the European Communities.

The partners of the program are 6, from 5 countries of the European Union (Spain, Germany, Denmark, Greece and Italy). The project coordinator is the Organization: Ecosistemas Virtuales Y Modulares, S.L. (Spain) EVM. Partners in the project are the Institut Für Roma und Minderheiten e.V. – Germany, Aalborg Universitet (AAU) – Denmark, Universidad de La Laguna (ULL) – Spain, Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU) – Greece and Università Telematica Internazionale (UNINETUNNO) – Italy.
From the Hellenic Mediterranean University, the PIPE project is coordinated by the Laboratory of Applied Research and Social Work, of the Department of Social Work, with scientific managers Mr. Petridis Konstantinos, Vice Chancellor of International Relations and Outreach, Associate Professor and Ms. Klio Koutra, Director of the Laboratory, Associate Professor of Social Work in Public Health. The working group of the project consists of: Ms. Eleni Koutsouraki, Assistant Professor, HMU Department of Social Work, Ms. Oikonomou Katerina, Assistant Professor, HMU Department of Social Work , Ms. Pelekidou Magdalini, PhD(c), Social Worker, Mr. Andreas Vorizanakis, PhD(c) , Social Worker and Ms Kyrou Ioanna, MSW, Social Worker.

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