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Announcing of Dr. Christos Skiadas as an Honorary Doctor of the Department of Accounting and Finance

On Thursday, May 30, 2024, in the Events Amphitheater of the School of Health Sciences on the campus in Heraklion, took place the ceremony of announcing Dr. Christos Skiadas as an Honorary Doctor of the Department of Accounting and Finance of the School of Management and Economics of the Hellenic Mediterranean University, in recognition of the influential contribution of Scientific Research and Teaching in the Science of Stochastic Analysis and Statistics.

The announcement ceremony was attended by representatives of the Local Government authorities and members of the University’s Management Council and the university community. On behalf of the Hellenic Mediterranean University, they addressed Dr. Christos Skiadas, the Vice-Regional Governor of Crete in the field related to issues of connection with research and academic institutions, Mr. Georgios Matalliotakis, the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Professor Athanasios Malamos and the President of the Department of Accounting and Finance, Asst. Professor Ioannis Hatziantoniou while the Director of the Laboratory of Accounting and Financial Management (LAFIM) and member of the Board of Directors of HMU Professor Christos Floros spoke about the work and contribution of the honoree.

The honoree, after heartily thanking the university community of the Hellenic Mediterranean University for his honor and distinction, gave a speech on the topic of “Stochastic simulation models of the country’s population” which is available together with the video of the event on the Hellinikon channel Mediterranean University on YouTube at the following link:

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