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The Under17 Men’s and Women’s Greece National Volleyball Team at HMU

Τhe preparation of the UNDER17 Men’s Greece National Volleyball Team takes place on July 11-20, 2023 at the facilities of the Indoor Gym “Markos Karanastasis” at HMU in Heraklion. The delegation of the National Team, which consists of 25 athletes and the technical staff, is hosted in the student dormitories of the University and conducts daily morning and afternoon training, while on July 22-30, 2023 the Under17 Women’s Greece National Volleyball Team arrives, which will also be hosted at the premises of HMU. On Monday, July 17, 2023, the Deputy Regional Governor of Crete in the field of Sports, Prevention and Mobile Units, George Pitsoulis, accompanied by the Rector of HMU, Professor Nikolaos Katsarakis, the Vice-Rector of Finance, Planning and Development, Assoc. Professor Nikolaos Vidakis and the Director of the Hellenic Mediterranean University Property Development and Management Company (EADIP), Ioannis Rompogiannakis met the volleyball team. During the meeting, the Deputy Regional Governor and the Rector had the opportunity to talk with the athletes and the members of the National Team about the opportunities created in the Region, by hosting initiatives such as this one, strengthening relations and developing partnerships between sports structures and the country’s Universities. The preparation and the evaluation of the Under17 Men’s and Under17 Women’s Greece National Team will result in the National Volleyball Team that will represent our country in the Balkan and European Championships 2024

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