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ATHENA Alumni Talks:Smart Cities Applications

Nikolaos Felessakis is a seasoned Business Developer with 15 years of experience in the Energy and IoT industry. He is well-known for his expertise in project and product management. As the Managing Director in a System Integrator for the Automation Industry, he has accomplished groundbreaking achievements. He has led the design and delivery of the 1st Smart Parking Project in Cyprus, a massive undertaking valued at 1M€. He managed the implementation of over 3,100 sensors based on the LoRaWAN network, which has contributed to positioning Pafos Municipality as a Smart Tourist Destination for 2023 and established his reputation in the IoT sector.
Nikolaos has consistently exceeded sales targets and fostered partnerships worldwide through his commitment to innovation, strategic market analysis, and effective bid management. His journey is marked by achievements such as winning the Cyprus Digital Championship and representing Cyprus at the Conference of Cooperative Innovation Network in Egypt, reflecting his dedication to pushing boundaries in Innovation systems.
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