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International Scientific Congress of Diagnostic Plasma in Rethymnon 24-28 April 2023

The European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics ( is co-organized by the European Physical Society and the Institute of Plasma & Laser Physics of Hellenic Mediterranean University. It is taking place in Rethymno with a large international participation. 

The conference takes place every two years in different parts of Europe with the aim of bringing together scientists and engineers working in plasma diagnostics.

The director of the Institute of Plasma & Laser Physics Prof. Michalis Tatarakis, President of the Scientific Committee of the conference, emphasized that the conference is being held in Rethymno, at a time when global developments in fusion for the production of abundant and clean energy are more intense than ever. The international conference organized this year in Rethymnon helps the collaboration of research groups internationally by bringing new ideas for the exploration of innovative plasma diagnostics. The recent historical scientific announcements on laser fusion for energy production due to the outstanding ignition achievement last December at the National Ignition Facility in the USA and the continued progress of fusion by the magnetic confinement method, further intensify the need for the development of plasma diagnostics high spatial and temporal precision.

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